In addition to long-term service on the Mental Health Planning Council, mental health and substance abuse have been the focus of many research and evaluation projects at TCER.  The Strengthening Communities – Youth project, Project LAUNCH, and a host of projects including and targeting reduction and treatment of serious emotional disorders and substance abuse diagnosis and treatment have advanced knowledge of more effective health service systems.

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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Center Follow-Up Project Evaluation

The Crisis Center Follow-Up project promoted follow up contact with thousands of Americans who call crisis centers across the country each year and encouraged continuity of care, coordination of services, and collaborations between emergency departments and other health care providers.  The evaluation of the program addressed processes and outcomes to ensure that the project’s goals were met in practice. 

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Evaluation of the Clinton Substance Abuse Council Drug Free Communities Initiative

Substance abuse is often related to increased violence and delinquency and decreased family functioning.  The Clinton Substance Abuse Council Drug Free Communities initiative aimed to reduce substance abuse among youth and strengthen collaboration between community organizations.  The NRC conducted a process evaluation that focused on organizational development throughout the project and among relevant community members, examining how decisions were made to select or adapt programs and services.  The results of a collaboration survey, social network analysis, and outcomes evaluation were provided to council partners to aid in future collaboration-building activities.