TCER staff have worked extensively with several organizations and agencies connected to cancer prevention and control efforts in Iowa.  We have assisted with applications for competitive funding opportunities, developed program logic models, and evaluated programming ranging from screening service provision to health communication campaigns.  We have also investigated the role of partnerships in achieving meaningful change across several multi-year, statewide projects.  Examples of targeted evaluations are below:

Featured Project

Iowa Get Screened Colorectal Cancer Program

As part of its evaluation contract with the Iowa Cancer Consortium, TCER worked with the Iowa Get Screened (IGS) Colorectal Cancer program staff to evaluate the effectiveness and reach of drink coaster campaign aimed at raising the rate of individuals who have been screened for colorectal cancer.  The Iowa Department of Public Health developed and disseminated coasters to 26 bars throughout the state which featured colorectal cancer screening facts, trivia, and screening contact information.  Over two months, the campaign distributed 30,000 coasters throughout the state.

In 2013, Kellee McCrory, MPH, MSW presented the results of the campaign partnership at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference. Her presentation highlighted this successful case study on how unlikely partners teamed up to creatively educate Iowans about colorectal cancer. It provided public health professions with the tools and objectives to develop community projects that bring together state and county agencies; demonstrated a creative way to promote colorectal cancer education to a target community; and identified achievable and measurable outcomes to create a sustainable screening project.

More information on this project is available on the IDPH website.

All Projects

Iowa Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Evaluation

To reduce the impact of a variety of cancers on Iowa residents, the Iowa Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (CCCP) combines community resources across the state to prevent cancer, identify it in its earliest stages, improve accessibility and quality of cancer treatments, and enhance the quality of life for those impacted by cancer.  The IDPH-CCCP is in year three of a five-year grant, with the NRC conducting an evaluation each year of the program.  The 2014 evaluation focuses on CCCP program goals and utilizes data from radon tests, clinical trials, body: soul, and mammography tests across the state.  This evaluation report is intended to inform and update the Iowa Department of Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program administration and staff and coordinated cancer programs about the progress of the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. 

Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program - Iowa Get Screened Yearly Evaluation

The Iowa Cancer Registry reports that colorectal cancer affects 47.3 Iowans per 100,000 (age adjusted).  To reduce the risk of this cancer across the state, the Iowa Get Screened program provides funding to hospitals, Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers and Public Health Departments across Iowa to provide colorectal cancer screening and awareness to Iowans age 50-64 who meet certain criteria.  The NRC conducts an annual evaluation of the program to assess the completion of intended outcomes including increasing screening, improving patient support services, and strengthening partnerships.  The evaluation also contains recommendations that can be used to make program adjustments.

 Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (BCCEDP)